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Office Cleaning Opportunities

(Excerpt from website) My name is Sam Rodman. My phone number 239-772-0201. Please don't confuse me with the folks out there selling information that they know nothing about. I have been in the office cleaning business for more than 10 years. As an employee, I worked hard for other people and was paid well for my services of running a cleaning crew. I saw first hand the big profits being made in the office cleaning business and started my own back in 1992.

I realized that anyone can do the cleaning, but the key is "getting the accounts."

I started with a spray bottle and a borrowed vacuum cleaner. After only the first few months of working for myself, I was bringing in $4500 dollars a month, and I was only working 4 hours, part-time in the evenings on Monday thru Friday to get it. That's $54,000 dollars per year, which was more money then I'd ever made. I wasn't trying to get any more business. I was working less than 20 hours a week, going fishing on the weekends and enjoying my free time.

Click here to learn more about office cleaning opportunities.


Michael Meuser bootstrapped his way into the salvage and recycling business in the early 1980s. He began with building deconstruction and scrap metals and then moved into electronics, computer and telecommunications scrap where he learned to recover gold and other precious metal.
Michael tells his story, provides resources and offers his advice at his website, RecyclingSecrets.com, and his blog, Recycling Secrets Blog. Recently Mike completed the eBook How to Make Money in the Home Based Salvage and Recycling Business. It is a chronicle of his experiences, successes and failures in the business. Also, you can follow Michael on Twitter.

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